About us

Dr. G.Thomas Arumugam
Founder Guru Aadithya Foundation
Helping Hearts
HELPING HEARTS I welcome you to our official website. I hope that it meets your expectations, and allows you to discover more about our treatment process.
I started drinking in 1995 and slowly it developed and reached to continue seeking alcohol. I am basically an engineer who worked with the world’s top companies and contructed world famous buildings. Due to addiction I came to rock bottom level and lost my relationship, social status, my dignity, economically, physically, mentally, which was unimaginable. It was a long journey full of hardship I was crippled with the thought that i would have to live my addiction. I was admitted by my friends in several treatment centres but i did not get the right one which makes me realize. Finally in the midst of this I found recovery and the message that promised hope that i did not have to die from the disease.
However, these personal experiences ignited a spark of hope within me, compelling me to work towards change. I wanted to dedicate my life’s work to helping others recover by blessing of God. We decided not to make money, but money cannot be our sole driving force. We are committed to help individuals and families achieve freedom from addiction, to create an addiction revolution that gives every addiction patient the opportunity to live.
Our motto is to provide the highest standard treatment in this field, We aim at treating our clients in the best possible manner and help them in a way that makes their life better and happier. In recent days most of the family separated due this disease, our motto is to reunite the family by giving best treatment and realization and transforming to the original potential.
Currently drug addiction in youths is tremendously high which lead parents in deep worries our statistics shows that one in five affected by mental illness and 7 out of 10 involved in legal issues. For them we have evidence based treatment and motivation to lead a quality life. For mental health we provide the best psychiatric treatment affected from drugs and alcoholism & complete rehabilitation for mental health issues.
We continue to commit ourselves to serve high standard and high success rate in this field by giving best customized treatment to each individual help recovering addict with self realization and self actualization and start their journey to sober with the right guidance and treatment. Of course this would have never possible without dedicated staff members, without which none of our success would have ever been possible.

We’re here. We’re ready to help you!
We aim at treating our clients in the best possible manner and help them in a way that makes their life better and happier.
Our Mission
We’re Helping Hearts Started for purpose, non-profit, human services organization. Our Intention of our client to get rid of all kind of addiction and mental illness and restore the potential of the patient strength and lead quality lifestyle of transformation each individual has to be transformed.
Our Vision
To become the highest standard and high success rate in de-addicition and mental health care Centre by providing the best customization therapy to each individual as per client need.

Testing system was good they Identified the sugar problem and treated together with my addiction problem now i am fine thanks for helping hearts

They really helped to get rid of alcohol to my brother and so he is doing well now

This was amazing centre in chennai. Low cast fees. Experience psychology doctors , experience counselors. humble management, patient for first preference, excellent food service, peaceful atmosphere. 24×7 watching facilities.

The Counseling service was so good and the staffs are so kind with the patients

Really good treatment best deaddiction centre. I am living good life without alcohol dependence

Best counselling, best counselors, experienced psychiatrist and general physician

Quality was high class, they treated me nicely which helps me to understand my addiction problem and now i am recovered from my alcohol dependence. Thanks for Helping Hearts team and centre.

Best deaddiction centre in chennai, services was superb good, food best , staff and doctors